Our mission: bringing technological solutions to companies to accelerate their transition to sustainable business models.

Karbonpath is an integrated software platform designed for managing extra-financial compliance and ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) performance.

Native SaaS platform, using containers, scalable, with the highest levels of security and availability.

We draw on over 20 years’ experience in financial and extra-financial performance management and technology to equip companies with a software solution that helps them integrate environmental and social performance into their strategy and organization, and ensure regulatory reporting compliance.

Our platform: the software solution for tackling the complexity of ESG regulatory standards, and driving environmental and social transformation.

A software approach is essential to accelerate the transition to sustainable models.

CSR data management is a complex consolidation exercice:

  • The entry into force of CSRD , the European Union’s sustainability reporting directive, on January 1st 2024, considerably increases the volumetry of data to be consolidated: 1135 datapoints to be considered for all ESRS – European sustainability reporting standards – on environmental, social and governance topics, broken down into quantitative and narrative data points.
  • There are many data sources: ERP, HR software, PLM, etc.
  • Input data – accounting and financial, employees, suppliers – and output data – GHG emissions , impact on pollution, water, biodiversity and ecosystems, circular economy processes, social reporting, governance – are of a heterogeneous nature that the Karbonpath software platform makes it possible to apprehend, enabling comprehensive and reliable sustainability reporting .


Using a software solution makes sustainability reporting more reliable:

  • Strictly manual ESG audits are time-consuming, unreliable and costly
  • Moving from cumbersome manual processes with multiple players and discontinuous data to an integrated software solution significantly reduces the cost of collecting, visualizing and communicating ESG data, while guaranteeing the reliability and predictability of data and processes.
  • The Karbonpath platform ensures auditability and traceability of data and action plans throughout the value chain.

A platform for continuous monitoring of results and management of transformation actions:

  • Manual processes generate reports that lag the actions to be taken and are behind current status
  • Karbonpath makes it possible to evaluate action plans and measure results on an ongoing basis through an integrated CSR management system
  • Engage in ESG transformation by applying financial performance methods to extra-financial performance: reduced complexity, continuous monitoring of environmental and social performance – by entity, product, service, project – for a real impact on the planet.

Our values: a culture of efficiency at the service of our customers

Karbonpath is a mission-driven company (French legal status of “Entreprise à Mission”). Our values matter to our teams and our customers.

  • Respect for the environment
  • Positive attitude
  • Cultural openness
  • Direct communication
  • Diversity
  • Operational excellence


Our teams like to move forward, demonstrate agility while structuring, and demonstrate versatility.

Our Team

A diversity of profiles and expertise

Karbonpath is a fast-growing company, made up of talented people motivated to take up a technological challenge in the service of the planet.






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